Remains of Flying Tigers' Crashed bomber in Xing’an County
Xing'an County, a famous tourist county of Guilin and famous for its Ling Cannel, is 66 kilometers to the north of Guilin city proper. The Ling Cannel is a well-known old water conservancy project with a highly skilled workmanship. It is one of the oldest cannels that are still preserved well in the world. The Ling Cannel, the Great Wall and the DuJiangYan Dam in Sichuan Province of China are known as the three great constructions of Qin Dynasty (221 B.C. to 206 B.C.)
In 1996, Xing'an County became a hot point place in the world again because of the remains of one Flying Tigers' crashing bomber.
On October 2 1996, a crashing Flying Tigers' bomber remains were discovered by two local farmers when they were adopting herbs in Mao’er Mountain in Xing’an County. The two governments of both China and US paid high attention to this, searching were started to be handling the circumstances of the remains, and these four times searching lasted totally 3 years. Finally all the remains like radar, short wave radio, machine guns, etc were all found and the ten American bomber crews were identified.
According to the battle report of US Ministry of National Defense, this B-24 bomber belonged to the Flying Tigers "Special Duty Unit", in 1944, it took off from Liuzhou base of Guangxi province at 16:30 on August 31, 1944, but on the way back after completing bombing a fleet of Japanese Army in Taiwan, the pilot was told that the Liuzhou base was raided by Japanese Army. So this bomber had to change loading in Guilin base. But it lost contact with ground thereafter.
The detection of two local farmers uncovers the suspense today. The remains spreading in Mao’er Mountain relates us an act that occurred in this areas without navigation mark that year.