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Home > Train K952 from Shenzhen to Guilin

Train K952 from Shenzhen to Guilin

Get clear about the timetable & schedule of K952 from Shenzhen Railway Station to Guilin North (GuilinBei) Railway Station from below. (Updated on December 1, 2015)

 Train StationStation in ChineseArrival TimeDeparture TimeStopping Time
02Guangzhou广州18:3618:5620 minutes
03Shaoguan East韶关东21:1021:166 minutes
04Hengyang衡阳00:4200:5816 minutes
05Yongzhou永州02:3502:4914 minutes
06Dongandong东安东03:1003:133 minutes
07QuanzhouNan全州南03:5103:543 minutes
08Guilin North桂林北06:0006:00------
There are 3 pairs of trains operating between Shenzhen and Guilin every day. Please check all the Trains from Shenzhen to Guilin and Trains from Guilin to Shenzhen.

For travelers, we offers some well-designed package tours, including Guilin Tours from Shenzhen.
