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Home > Train D3675 from Guilin to Guangzhou

Train D3675 from Guilin to Guangzhou

Get clear about the timetable & schedule of Train D3675 from Guilin North (GuilinBei) Railway Station to Guangzhou South (GuangzhouNan) Railway Station from below. (Updated on December 1, 2015)

 Train StationStation in ChineseArrival TimeDeparture TimeStopping Time
01 Liuzhou柳州------11:55------
02 Yongfu South永福南12:4112:432 minutes
03Guilin North桂林北13:1313:174 minutes
04Zhongshan West钟山西14:11 14:132 minutes
05Hezhou贺州14:2314:263 minutes
06Zhaoqing East肇庆东15:2015:233 minutes
07Guangzhou South广州南16:0116:01------
There are over 25 daily trains operating between Guangzhou and Guilin. Please check all the Trains from Guangzhou to Guilin and Trains from Guilin to Guangzhou.

For Guilin china train tickets booking, please feel free to contact us online.
