Home > Trains from Guilin to Beijing
Trains from Guilin to Beijing
There are 6 daily trains from Guilin to Beijing, and passengers can take a train to Beijing at Guilin Railway Station or Guilin North (Guilinbei) Railway Station. Please check the Guilin - Beijing trains schedule below. (Updated on Janurary 12, 2015)
Train No. | Departure | Arrival | Duration | Tickets fare (CNY) |
K158 | Guiolinbei 桂林北 04:30 | Beijing West 北京西 05:52 +1 | 25h22m | Soft Sleeper: 629 Hard Sleeper: 399 Hard Seat: 236 |
G422 | Guilin 桂林 10:37 | Beijing West 北京西 21:09 | 10h32m | Business Class Seat: 2530 First Class Seat: 1249.5 Second Class Seat: 806 |
G530 | Guilin 桂林 12:09 | Beijing West 北京西 22:55 | 10h46m | Business Class Seat: 2530 First Class Seat: 1249.5 Second Class Seat: 806 |
Z6 | Guilin 桂林 14:22 | Beijing West 北京西 09:48+1 | 19h26m | Soft Sleeper: 629 Hard Sleeper: 399 |
K22 | Guilinbei 桂林北 21:31 | Beijing West 北京西 17:03+1 | 0d19h32m | Soft Sleeper: 629 Hard Sleeper: 399 Hard Seat: 236 |
Z286 | Guilinbei 桂林北 17:59 | Beijing West 北京西 13:49+1 | 0d19h50m | Soft Sleeper: 629 Hard Sleeper: 399 Hard Seat: 236 |
We can offer you reliable Guilin China Train Tickets Booking service, with the minimum handling and delivery fees. Also, please check all the Trains from Beijing to Guilin.