Home > Trains from Shanghai to Guilin
Trains from Shanghai to Guilin
There are 6 daily trains from Shanghai to Guilin, and passengers can take a train to Guilin at Shanghai South (ShanghaiNan) Railway Station and Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station. Please check the Shanghai - Guilin trains timetable & schedule below. (Updated on December 1, 2015)
Train No. | Departure | Arrival | Duration | Tickets fare |
K149 | Shanghai South 08:42 | Guilin North 05:10 | 20h28m | Soft Sleeper: 504.5 Hard Sleeper: 322.5 Hard Seat: 189.5 |
G1501 | Shanghai Hongqiao 10:03 | Guilin 19:01 | 08h58m | Business Class Seat: 2054.5 First Class Seat: 1048.5 Second Class Seat: 659.5 |
K1556 | Shanghai 10:21 | Guilin North 11:42 | 25h21m | Soft Sleeper: 542 Hard Sleeper: 343 Hard Seat: 201 |
T77 | Shanghai South 11:27 | Guilin North 05:30 | 18h03m | Deluxe Soft Sleeper: 930.5 Soft Sleeper: 504.5 Hard Sleeper: 322.5 |
T381 | Shanghai South 16:55 | Guilin North 12:17 | 19h22m | Soft Sleeper: 515 Hard Sleeper: 328 Hard Seat: 192 |
T25 | Shanghai South 17:49 | Guilin North 13:21 | 19h32m | Soft Sleeper: 515 Hard Sleeper: 328 Hard Seat: 192 |
Please also check all the Trains from Guilin to Shanghai. For travelers, we can offer well-arranged package tours, including Shanghai Guilin Tours and Guilin Tours from Shanghai.